Social Justice Resources


ACTION STEPS FOR ASIANS TO SHOW UP FOR BLACK LIVES. Your voice matters. Learn how to make a difference here.

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Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAJC) is a non-profit that advocates for the civil and human rights for Asian Americans and to build and promote a fair and equitable society for all. It addresses issues of importance to the Asian American community including: affirmative action, anti-Asian violence prevention/race relations, census, immigrant rights, immigration, language access, television diversity and voting rights.

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The Center for Asian Pacific American Women is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to the enhancement and enrichment of leadership skills for Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) women through education, networking, and mentorship. This organization nurtures AAPI communities by expanding leadership capacity, fostering awareness of AAPI issues, creating a supportive network of AAPI women leaders, and strengthening community.

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National CAPACD is the first national advocacy organization dedicated to addressing the community development needs of diverse and rapidly growing AAPI communities.  It is a membership-based network of more than 100 organizations and individuals in 17 states that serve Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, Native Hawaiians, refugees and immigrants nationwide. The members use innovative affordable housing, community development, organizing, and planning strategies to improve the wellbeing of low-income AAPI communities.

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The Fair Immigration Reform Movement is a national coalition of grassroots organizations fighting for immigrant rights at the local, state, and federal level. They are led by a group of 44 organizations from across 32 states around the country committed to immigrant rights.

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VictimConnect Resource Center is a referral helpline where crime victims can learn about their rights and options confidentially and compassionately, and where action steps and further resources for hate crimes can be found.

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Southern Poverty Law Center is an organization devoted to the fight for social justice by actively combating hate and bigotry. They also provide a form for reporting hate crimes and incidents.

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